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Thursday, March 30, 2006


"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my
heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with
a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my
heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they
-- Cheryl Zuccaro

"Revenge is often like biting a dog because the dog bit you."
-- Austin O'Malley (1858-1932), Physician and humorist

"It's hard to believe, but some people claim their dogs are almost
human --- and they mean it as a compliment!"

"Isn't it wonderful how dogs can win friends and influence people
without ever reading a book?"

"Another reason why a dog is man's best friend is because he's not
always calling for explanations."

"How did dogs learn to bark their loudest during a television news

"A hot shower on a cold, wet day, a phone call from a dear friend, or
the lick of a dog's tongue on your hand are reminders of life's simple
-- Brian Luke Seaward, Holistic health educator

"Never underestimate the warmth of a cold nose."

"Like objects in the passenger side mirror, Kerries are closer than
they appear."

"Whenever I feel poor, I remember that I'd rather have my dogs than
other people's money."
-- Susan Conant, "Black Ribbon"

"My dog and cat have taught me a great lesson of life...shed a lot."
-- Susan Carlson

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves
-- Josh Billings

Dogs need to sniff the ground; it's how they keep abreast of current
events. The ground is a giant dog newspaper, containing all kinds of
late-breaking dog news items,which, if they are especially urgent, are
often continued in the next yard.
-- Dave Barry

You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a
look that says, 'Wow, you're right! I never would've thought of that!'
-- Dave Barry

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.
-- Roger Caras

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your
pocket and then giving Fido only two of them.
-- Phil Pastoret

My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog already thinks I
-- Unknown

"Many have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You remain
responsible, forever, for what you have tamed."
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog."
-- P. Steiner

"No heaven can heaven be if my dog is not there to welcome me."
-- unknown

" I never married because there was no need. I have three pets at home
which answer the same purpose as a husband. I have a dog that growls
every morning, a parrot that swears all afternoon, and a cat that comes
home late at night."
-- Marie Corelli

"My husband and I are either going to buy a dog or have a child. We
can't decide to ruin our carpet or ruin our lives. "
-- Rita Rudne

" I've been on so many blind dates, I should get a free dog."
--Wendy Liebman

" When you point out something to a dog, he looks at your finger."
-- J. Bryan

"Never repeat a command. Most dogs are not deaf; they just choose not
to listen."
-- Connie Jankowski, Dog trainer

"Dogs read the world through their noses and write their history in
-- J. R. Ackerley

"He may be a dog, but don't tell me he doesn't have a real grip on
-- Kendall Hailey

"FOOVIEW (foo' view) n. The ability of a dog to inflict guilt from any
angle in the room while he watches his master eat."
-- Rich Hall

"There's facts about dogs, and there's opinions about them. The dogs
have the facts, and the humans have the opinions. If you want facts
about dogs, always get them straight from the dog. If you want
opinions, get them from humans."
-- J. Allen Boone

"Dogs aren't born knowing what or what not to do; they only learn like
-- Barbara Woodhouse

"Humans have externalized their wisdom--stored it in museums,
libraries, the expertise of the learned. Dog wisdom is inside the blood
and bones."
-- Donald McCraig

"The fidelity of a dog is a precious gift demanding no less binding
moral responsibilities than the friendship of a human being. The bond
with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth can ever be."
-- Konrad Lorenz

"Intelligent dogs rarely want to please people whom they do not
-- W. R. Koehler

"You may have a dog that won't sit up, roll over or even cook
breakfast, not because he's too stupid to learn how but because he's
too smart to bother."
-- Rick Horowitz, Chicago Tribune

"There are no one-night stands with a dog. Once you let your pet into
your bed, it's hard to get him out."
-- Diana Delmar

"A man and his dog goes so well with home and castle."
-- Ian Niall

"The small percentage of dogs that bite peole is monumental proof that
the dog is the most benign, forgiving crature on earth."
-- W. R. Koehler

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and all answers, is
contained in the dog."
-- Franz Kafka

"It takes balls to neuter your pet!"

"Dogs are wise. They crawl away into a quiet corner and lick their
wounds and do not rejoin the world until they are whole once more."
-- Agatha Christie

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