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Wednesday, May 10, 2006


AnimalAid is UAN's relief program animals affected by personal disasters such as house fire, domestic violence situation, or the death of a family member due to accident. Grants are also available to families recovering from tragedies related to large-scale natural or manmade disasters.

Who Qualifies?

  • Any companion animal who has been orphaned due to personal, natural or manmade disaster. (This includes any animal who has lost one caregiver and may still have other caring family members.)
  • Any companion animal who was directly injured or affected by a personal, natural or manmade disaster.
  • Any animals involved in the rescue and recovery efforts during a natural or manmade disaster (e.g, search and rescue dogs).
  • The disaster giving rise to the need for aid must have occurred within one week of the request for aid.
Type of Aid Available:

  • Assistance in placing the animal in foster or permanent adoptive homes through our nationwide network of trained Emergency Animal Rescue Service (EARS) volunteers.
  • Transportation for the animal (either with our volunteers or by covering the costs of airline or other transport).
  • Financial assistance of up to $500 per family to cover expenses for the animals including (but not limited to):
    • veterinary care (to include spay/neuter in conjunction with other care)
    • kennel boarding arrangements
    • food, medications or other supplies

An online application is available on the United Animal Nations (UAN) website.

While I may not agree with everything they stand for, I can't ignore all the good they do for famlies and pets in need.

I like to keep the blogs pretty short, but make them each specific so a search engine will find them. I am ever so hopeful that someone besides me reads this stuff.

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