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Monday, August 01, 2005

The Inception

So, why another blog?

Mostly because I can't find the information I want on dogs in the Carolinas - specifically, the RTP area of North Carolina. Logic would indicate that there are others out there with the same interests and the same location, right?

I am an avid web surfer (read that as procrastinator), have been involved in dogs for what seems like forever, and I recently moved to Durham, North Carolina, well, why not create a blog that all my friends can read. It will save me from emailing, posting the same material to several mailing lists, and organize the things I want all into one location.

Therefore, I will be adding to the blogs of the world. According to the BBC News, the State of the Blogosphere report said the number of blogs it was tracking now stood at more than 14.2m blogs, up from 7.8m in March. It suggests, on average, the number of blogs is doubling every five months. Makes you wonder who reads all this stuff.

Welcome to the Dog Blogs of the Carolinas!

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