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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Bird Flu

If you read the news or watch TV, you are aware of the Doomsday warnings about the Bird Flu. Or are you?

We think we live in a modern country that will surely take care of us in the case of a disaster. But did our government spring to the aid of Gulf Shore residents last year during Katrina?

We have vaccines for the flu. We have some of the most cutting edge medical research centers in the world. Or do we?.

I watched Oprah the other night and it scared me.

The government has put up a web site for us to read and learn about the next pandemic flu.

What is being stressed everywhere is not IF there will be a pandemic flu, but WHEN. It may not be the bird flu, but it will be some type of flu. It will kill millions. We - and other countries - are unprepared for this. Our government has done nothing but stress to the public that we will be on our own.

Wow. That is my tax dollar at work. I bet congress will get a sufficient supply of vaccines. I just hope that hospital workers will be included in the list of necessary personnel.

What I am getting to in a round about way is, it is up to you to make sure your family has a disaster plan. And your family includes your four-legged companions.

The last pandemic flu that we had in the US was one we were not prepared for either. That flu skipped a species and went directly from bird to man.

On March 21, 2006 HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt and Governor Mike Easley signed a Planning Resolution detailing HHS' and North Carolina's shared and independent responsibilities for pandemic planning.

Remember, when planning emergency food, water, medication, and supplies - include your pet's needs as well.

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