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Saturday, September 03, 2005

Late night thoughts

I feel so helpless during all these news broadcasts.

Today I went to the Durham KC dog show at the Raleigh fairground to watch, help at the cardiac clinic, gets my dog's eyes CERF'd and visit with friends. I ended up entering Rally at the match held by Cary Kennel Club - the new club in town trying to gain AKC recognition. I visited with friends and had a great time.

But I could not get the destruction of Katrina out of my mind.

Why am I here with my beloved dogs and someone else's is left behind to starve, to die, to nibble on corpses of beloved family members, to be shot on sight by police and rescuers as a matter of mercy. What draws that fine line between someone loosing everything they ever owned or loved and me.

Why aren't we all doing more. Isn't there a Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you?" Isn't that common sense? Courtesy? Isn't that what this country is supposed to be about?

Why has it taken so long for the President to realize these horrors? Other countries have offered aid before we have offered it to our own citizens.

There are still people stranded in New Orleans and I be in some of these other small towns that aren't as publicly important. 1300 prisoners were airlifted out of NO. The Aquarium is destroyed. The Zoo has had minimal casualties because it stood higher off the ground.

The animals will be the last to be saved. What cruelty of life is this that we gave our companions and friends. Another blogger gave me a link to an article she had published on MSNBC. Maybe if you have read so far, you can read her article - maybe you can plan for a disaster if it happens in your lifetime. I hope not, but just in case. Protecting pets in times of disaster - Advance planning helps save people and animals.

My prayers and thoughts are with the families ravaged by this disaster.

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